Tuesday, March 27, 2012

22 weeks

The baby is now the size of a 
 (11 in, almost 1 lb).
he is on a 12-14 hr sleep cycle
daily and her little face
is more distinct.

How far along? 22 weeks. 
Total weight gain/loss: Lost two pounds since last week. I've noticed my appetite has changed and I'm not eating quite as much.   
Maternity clothes? Staying cozy in yoga pants, loose maternity jeans and long sleeved tees. 
Stretch marks? I'm going to say no. I think my eyes were deceiving me on the last post. :) Still using Bio-Oil three times a day.
Sleep: Lucky if I get more than two hours at once and if I wake up too early in the AM, forget going back to sleep.
Energy: My energy is UP! Making sure to get in the gym a couple days a week and I think it's helping.   
Best moment this week: THIS WEEK! Yesterday, I felt baby girl actually KICK! Kung fu style! I could feel her from the outside. It was so awesome. She has done it a few times since, usually when I'm laying down and I've noticed she's a night owl. She was moving like crazy at the gym today, too. LOVE it.     
Have you told family and friends: Yep.
Miss Anything? You'd think I would say, sushi, coffee or Go Girl but I'm pretty well disciplined and would rather just wait it out than try any of it in moderation and being without it doesn't bother me a bit. And I don't do generic California rolls (not worth it)! Wonder if I'll go back to my normal ways after she's born...    
Movement: Yes! Finally a kick! Now just waiting for her to kick my belly button out. ;)  
Food cravings: Hmm... I don't know if this has changed at all. Been eating a ton of veggies, oatmeal, yogurt and fruit. But I do want toast 24/7. Dry wheat dipped in yogurt. Mmm.  
Food aversions: None out of the norm. Actually not craving sugar as usual.   
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still not sure I'm really pregnant and trust me, I am NOT taking this for granted. I felt a little dizzy twice over a couple days but sat down and I was fine. 
Have you started to show yet: Yes and I like it. No more "pregnant or chubby?" looks thrown my way.    
Gender prediction: Mini me. <3 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. But it's pretty painful when Zoey steps near it. Waiting for the outie to show up. Or pop up I guess. :/ 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Perky. Busy bee in the kitchen baking like crazy. As usual, anytime I get stressed, I head to the kitchen. Gym has helped too. 
Looking forward to: More kicks!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Baby Names...

This is pretty much what the inside of my brain looks like when I try to even think of a name for the little gummy bear. So, so tough! I would almost rather wait til I meet her to give her a name. Hopefully I will be able to narrow it down to at least two if I decide to wait until I see her face. It took  me a couple weeks to name my pup, Zoey but this time I don't have that option. I'm so ready to get crafty and make her things, though! I'm open to suggestions! I'm sure once I come across the right one, I'll know. :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

21 weeks

The baby is now the size of a 
 (10 in, 12.7 oz) 
and she has the
 ability to dream!

How far along? 21 weeks. 
Total weight gain/loss: Definitely not losing any. Doc said I was underweight to begin with so I suppose I'm feeling ok about the weight gain.   
Maternity clothes? Rockin' some maternity jeans in this pic, thanks to Brit! Other than that, sticking to yoga pants. 
Stretch marks? I swear I saw two. But idk. :(  Could be my imagination. Or sleep marks.
Sleep: Getting it whenever I can. Lucky if I get more than two hours at once. Guess it's all just preparation.
Energy: Doing ok. Hit the gym today. Felt good but we'll see how I feel tomorrow.  
Best moment this week: Confirmed the flutters are in fact the little gummy. Happens mostly at night. And I've noticed she moves more (or less) depending on what I'm doing.    
Have you told family and friends: Yep.
Miss Anything? Not at the moment.    
Movement: Yes! It feels like she's swimming. Really lightly. Maybe while wearing arm floaties.  
Food cravings: No new cravings this week. Hunger has cut in half. Almost to what it was before I was pregnant. Weird. Studies show that after birth, babies are more interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid so I'll definitely take that into consideration from here on out.
Food aversions: None out of the norm. Actually not craving sugar as usual.   
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. Still not sure I'm really pregnant.   
Have you started to show yet: You tell me!    
Gender prediction: Baby girl needs a name... 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. But I have a feeling it won't be much longer. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Past few days have been rough. Hate to admit it, but pretty down for the first time. I'll snap out of it. .
Looking forward to: Continuing to work on the registries (Babies R Us & Target) and watching my belly grow as she gets big fast over the next few weeks! 

Ultrasound: 20w1d

Was able to get a great profile shot of baby girl and her writtle feet on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. The tech took extra long with her and said she is absolutely beautiful to scan. She is 20 weeks, 1 day here...

Monday, March 12, 2012

20 weeks

The baby is now the size of a 
honeydew melon
 (6.5 in, 10 oz) 
and she has working
taste buds! Guess she's sure to
be born liking fro yo
and In N Out. ;)

How far along? 20 weeks. Cannot believe I'm at the halfway point. !!!
Total weight gain/loss: I'm on the right track. Definitely not losing any. ;)   
Maternity clothes? One pair of maternity pants and yoga pants are still the usual. Although the weather has gotten nice this week and I did wear a dress twice! Sooo comfy. Can't wait til it's warmer everyday. 
Stretch marks? Not yet. Not ever I hope! eek. 
Sleep: Getting it whenever I can. Even if it's just a quick nap.  
Energy: Back to Slowsky status. Feel like I have bricks attached to my feet sometimes and just don't want to get up.
Best moment this week: I thought I felt a light flutter in my tummy so I  muted the TV like that might help to see if it was a kick or just my stomach acting up. Felt really smart doing that. :P I'm sure I'll feel her move pretty soon.   
Have you told family and friends: Yep.
Miss Anything? My turkey sammiches that I consume more than the average person. Need to really cut back on the lunch meat due to sodium nitrate. Just playing it safe!   
Movement: See above. hehe. I'm pretty sure I felt her though.    
Food cravings: No new cravings this week. Feel like the hunger isn't as strong as it's been. But that could be because I don't really give it a chance to creep up on me. :P  

Food aversions: Pretty much will eat anything. Except pasta! But I think that's the usual for me. Just seems even less appealing now.   
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. Am I really pregnant?  
Have you started to show yet: Oh yea!    
Gender prediction: Baby girl needs a name!   
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Up and down this week.
Looking forward to: The ultrasound tomorrow morning! More pics of baby gummy bear to come! :)  And also working on beefing up the baby registries. All the baby sites I browse recommend starting this at 20 weeks, so now I kind of have permission to window shop and add to registry, even though I may have already been doing that. ;)

Monday, March 5, 2012

19 weeks

The baby is now the size of a
mango In N Out burger!
 (6 in, 8.5 oz)
and she's working on her five senses.
Nerve cells for her sense of taste,
hearing, sight and smell
are developing in her brain.

How far along? 19 weeks. ALMOST halfway there already!!!
Total weight gain/loss: we will just say I'm on the right track. ;)   
Maternity clothes? Purchased first pair of maternity pants last week and lemme just say, they are COMFY!!! Thank you, Old Navy!
Stretch marks? Negative.
Sleep: A little better. Turns out I'm a night owl though. Sleep better with my eye mask on in daylight than anything else. 

Energy: Picked up a bit. Happy not to be drained just after walking around Turgett. And my Turgett trips can take a while!
Best moment this week: Doc appointment today. Heard her little heartbeat. Strong at 157.  
Have you told family and friends: Yep.
Miss Anything? Running at the gym like a crazy person. But I did jog a few laps with Zoey this past week. Felt amazing and I felt so much better the next day. Gonna keep this up for sure.   
Movement: Still can't feel her yet! Baby girl has permission to kick me all she wants and this is the only time she will get that so I'm ready. hehe :P   
Food cravings: This one is weird. Lately craving oatmeal and blueberries from a little diner in Boston. Can't try and fix that in Cali cause it's really THAT good. AND OMG! Can a girl find some Girl Scout cookies ANYWHERE?!?!? They're hiding from me! But the In N Out craving is still there. Fix that every once in a while. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand may have paid a visit to the fro yo shop again today. Good thing I have a punch card. 

Food aversions: Soup & anything garlic. Bleh! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. Am I really pregnant?  
Have you started to show yet: Oh yea! Carrying high.   
Gender prediction: Baby girl needs a name.   
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. But my tummy is so hard. Feels kinda weird. Hope the button doesn't pop out!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Neutral with an occasional slice of happy.
Looking forward to: Feeling her movement!!! Maybe I need to eat some more mexican food to get her going (or just use that as an excuse to head to the taqueria). Also looking forward to the next 3D ultrasound in a week.