Thursday, April 12, 2012

24 weeks

Baby girl is now the size of a grapefruit (11.8 in, 12.7 oz.)
She can listen to my voice,
heartbeat and seems to be a Sublime fan already. :)

How far along? 24 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Oh yes.
Stretch marks? No. Lathering on the Bio Oil.
Sleep: Naps are the business.
Energy: Energy is good but I need to remember, it doesn't last. Fatigue & dizziness has snuck up on me a couple times while I'm out running around.
Best moment this week: Every single time I feel her move. <3
Have you told family and friends: Yes! Her Auntie Brit has started a board for her on Pinterest and has big ideas. :)
Miss Anything? Realized today I can't jump on the shopping cart in the parking lot and coast to the car. That was always fun but the belly doesn't allow it anymore.
Movement: Definitely a night owl. Like her mom used to be.
Food cravings: MILK! Preferably chocolate if available.
Food aversions: Peanut butter and soup. Not together of course but I want no part of either.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Half a day of running around knocks me out.
Have you started to show yet: I feel like the size of my belly has doubled in the last week.
Gender prediction: Little princess.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Still in. I'm surprised.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: The next ultrasound to hopefully see more of her little face. <3 And shopping!

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