Thursday, April 19, 2012

25 weeks

Baby girl is now the size of an eggplant. (13.6 in, 1.5 lb.)
Her eyes are forming and will soon start to open!!!
(Ok, but really, who likes eggplants? 
I need to find a different size comparison chart!) 

How far along? 25 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Oh yes. Yoga pants and leggings. And a fave pair of Old Navy jeans have been pretty much all I'm wearing. Hoping the weather lets me break out the sun dresses soon! Plan is to live in dresses and bikinis til baby girl is born.
Stretch marks? No. Lathering on the Bio Oil as often as I use the restroom, which as you can imagine, is pretty frequently. Doing what I have to to fight the war against stretch marks.
Sleep: Non existent. I've come to accept that three to four hours is all I'm going to get a night and I don't feel too tired the following day so no big deal I suppose. All preparation for what's to come. My dreams aren't as scary as they were but they're still weird and oddly reminiscent of the past. I read that sleep starts becoming more difficult around 25 weeks and this is definitely true!
Energy: Energy is good but I still need to make sure I'm fueled up on food or I crash when I'm out running around. Dizzy every once in a while.
Best moment this week: Yesterday I SAW her move for the first time! So now I can look at my belly and see her daily aerobics routine. Just wondering if she actually does sleep anymore. ;) Can't wait til Zoey feels her move, she's always laying on my tummy.
Have you told family and friends: Yes! Almost time to start planning the baby shower.
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my tummy.
Movement: All the time! She's definitely bigger. It seems like I can feel when she turns around. Weird but neat feeling.
Food cravings: McDonald's ice cream cones!!! Seriously can't get enough and they are only a dollar-ish. And MILK! Preferably chocolate if available. Oh and as always fro yo and cereal.
Food aversions: Peanut butter. But my appetite is not as crazy as it was in the beginning.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Half a day of running around knocks me out.
Have you started to show yet: I'm actually laughing right now about how much bigger I am. Large and in charge!!! :D hehe. Belly is bigger by the day. It's crazy. Might take me a little more time to get off the couch than usual but that is mostly because I'm having some pretty bad lower back pain. I can deal though. For now. :P
Gender prediction: Little princess. And her name has been decided on, although in one of my dreams I changed my mind so I think for now it will remain a secret.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Still in. Still surprised.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Neutral/Happy.
Looking forward to: Finishing her registries at Babies R Us and Turgett. Oh and I can't wait to schedule the next 3D ultrasound at 28 weeks! Her face will be wayyyyy more developed. :)

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