Monday, June 11, 2012

33 Weeks

Baby girl is now the size of a pineapple.
(measures 17.2 in, 4.2 lbs).
She's keeping her eyes open
while awake and is also starting to coordinate
breathing with sucking and swallowing. 

How far along? 33 weeks. 
Maternity clothes? Pretty much all dresses at this point. Most comfy and the heat has not been messing around. 
Stretch marks? Nope! Swear by Bio-Oil!
Sleep: haha.
Energy: Burning anxiety into energy so I'd say it's moderate. 
Best moment this week: Had another 3D/4D ultrasound this past Thursday. Baby girl cooperated for the second half. She is soooooooooooooo adorable! Not much room left in there though and she is in the correct position so looks like the option of a C Section is probably out. 
Have you told family and friends: Oh yes. :) Baby shower right around the corner.
Miss Anything? Running. And lately I've been so excited and happy about things I want to jump up and down but feel like I can't.   
Movement: Daily kick counting has become more difficult but I'm probably doing it at the wrong time. She's still pretty active and has the hiccups at least twice a day.
Food cravings: Cereal, honeydew and strawberry yogurt. All I want. Funny I haven't had any major weird cravings. Feeling the need for some fro yo soon though. There's a new place I want to try out so I think I'll wait for that. ;) 
Food aversions: Still the same. Eww to meat, pasta and peanut butter.  As far as salt is concerned, string cheese is the furthest I'll go. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! I feel pretty lucky. Have a feeling labor will make up for it though.
Have you started to show yet: umm duh.
Gender prediction: Little girl.
Labor Signs: Too early! Braxton Hicks are happening again though.
Belly Button in or out? In-ish and weird looking. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Joy. Joy.
Looking forward to: The baby shower!

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