Tuesday, June 19, 2012

34 Weeks

Baby girl is now the size of a butternut squash. 
(measures 17.5 in, 4.75 lbs). 
She can recognize and react to simple songs
and her skin is now smoother than ever!

How far along? 34 weeks. 
Maternity clothes? Dresses & flip flops. Occasional bikini. That's it! 
Stretch marks? Love me some Bio-Oil!
Sleep: I'll sleep in 18 years.
Energy: Pretty perky. Usually at night. 
Best moment this week: Starting to pack the hospital and diaper bag in preparation! :) 
Have you told family and friends: Oh yes. :) Baby shower this weekend!
Miss Anything? Running.
Movement: Seems she has the hiccups more than she kicks lately. Also I can see her moving through my clothes. Like she's rolling, not kicking. Looks so neat. 
Food cravings: Cereal, frozen mango and strawberry yogurt. This question boring yet? My answer hasn't really changed. Although Mexican food is on the menu for this weekend.  
Food aversions: Still the same. Eww to meat, pasta and peanut butter.   
Anything making you queasy or sick: Cigarette smoke. BARF!
Have you started to show yet: nah! ;)
Gender prediction: Baby girl is already so beautiful.
Labor Signs: No more Braxton Hicks, that I can feel anyway.
Belly Button in or out? Don't ask.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Smiling! Is this real life?
Looking forward to: Seeing baby girl's daddy and him being able to feel her move. :) :) :) 

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