Monday, May 7, 2012

28 weeks

 Baby girl is now the size of  a Chinese cabbage
 (umm check it out next time you're in produce?)
(15 in, 2 1/4 lbs.)

She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes! :) 
She may be able to see the light that 
filters through the womb. 
I read that you can sometimes pick up the baby's 
heartbeat by putting an ear to the belly. 
But obviously I can't reach. ;)

How far along? 28 weeks. Now in the third trimester!!! I can't believe it! 84 more days!
Maternity clothes? Sticking with dresses, flip flops, espadrilles and bikinis. Going to be in the 90s all week!!!
Stretch marks? Still a no... for now.
Sleep: ahh... The more pillows on the bed, the better I sleep. But there is no routine for me. Sometimes I can't fall asleep until late night/early morning and I sleep sooooooooooo hard. Often waking up not remembering I'm pregnant until I get out of bed. This seems weird to me...
Energy: A bit lower lately. Some days I am down to zero, others I want to do everything in one day! Seems it's easier to wait until it's dark to run errands. Cooler out and I can take Zoey.
Best moment this week: Having my dress blow up and a bug fly down the top of it all within five minutes. That was a fun, very pregnant day. :P.
Have you told family and friends: Yes and Zoey felt baby kicks for the first time this week. She was so confused. It was adorable!
Miss Anything? I'm going to start skipping this question! ;) I miss a long run. When I walk I have to listen to a different playlist or nothing at all to avoid over doing it.
Movement: When is she not moving?! She's on more of a schedule now and has a rhythm going for sure. Still feels brand new when I watch my tummy move.  

Food cravings: Jamba Juice, frozen mango, milk and any fresh fruit. Had a seriously crazy 2am craving for Simply Orange orange juice the other night. If I could have gotten someone to bring me some, I totally would have! It was UNREAL. Think I was drooling. And now I'm hungry. 
Food aversions: Want nothing to do with meat, pasta or peanut butter. bleh! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Strong perfumes make me dizzy and it is officially allergy season so being outside has been rough!
Have you started to show yet: Belly is bigger by the day.
Gender prediction: Little princess. <3 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: I cannot believe how much worse my eyesight has become. I'm due for an exam but this is ridiculous. All part of pregnancy according to my Pregnancy Bible, "What to Expect When You're Expecting." Also, I'm pretty sure my nose has gotten bigger. haha ugh. 
Belly Button in or out? In, but where my piercing was still looks totally weird and sticks out.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Seeing her writtle face in 3D on May 16th. The ultrasound tech was booked solid and that's the soonest I could get in! :)


  1. My eyesight got wayyyy worse when I was pregnant also! It took months for it to go back to normal after she was born. No fun! Can't wait to see her little face in the 3D pics also!! -Chelsea

  2. Ugh I can't believe it! It's crazy to me that eyesight is affected. I'll wait a few months after she's born before an exam but I'll be so anxious to see clearly again.

    And yes!!! The ultrasound is this week! Finally! :)

  3. I love the pic... in all my 24 years of life I have never been able to blow a bubble with my bubble gum.

  4. Must not be chewing the right gum! :P
