How far along? 29 weeks. Almost to the 30s! WoW.
Maternity clothes? Besides the daily dresses, I found a pair of yoga capri pants I can't seem to take off. Too comfy.
Stretch marks? Still a no! Stop asking or I'll get jinxed. :P
Sleep: More like a few naps pieced together. And sleeping only on my left side is sometimes difficult but definitely doable.
Energy: The couch is comfy. ;)
Best moment this week: Receiving my first Mother's Day present. The prettiest flowers I have ever seen and my fave, stargazer lilies. :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes and we received an awesome box full of baby girl clothes from Nana (Grandma Rose) today. Everything is so adorable! I'm more excited as the days go by.
Miss Anything? My face smashed into the pillow as I drool, sleeping on my stomach.
Movement: She's definitely a night owl. No clue where she gets that! Most of her movement is between midnight and 5am. Although Saturday she gave me a little scare. I didn't feel her move almost all day. I guess she hit the snooze button a couple extra times.
Maternity clothes? Besides the daily dresses, I found a pair of yoga capri pants I can't seem to take off. Too comfy.
Stretch marks? Still a no! Stop asking or I'll get jinxed. :P
Sleep: More like a few naps pieced together. And sleeping only on my left side is sometimes difficult but definitely doable.
Energy: The couch is comfy. ;)
Best moment this week: Receiving my first Mother's Day present. The prettiest flowers I have ever seen and my fave, stargazer lilies. :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes and we received an awesome box full of baby girl clothes from Nana (Grandma Rose) today. Everything is so adorable! I'm more excited as the days go by.
Miss Anything? My face smashed into the pillow as I drool, sleeping on my stomach.
Movement: She's definitely a night owl. No clue where she gets that! Most of her movement is between midnight and 5am. Although Saturday she gave me a little scare. I didn't feel her move almost all day. I guess she hit the snooze button a couple extra times.
Food cravings: OMG FRUIT. I seriously cannot get enough and I've become pretty creative with it. hehe. Also, I purchased a single serving smoothie blender thingy to save me from spending so much at Jamba. It was a very good purchase for me!
Food aversions: Still the same, anti meat, pasta and peanut butter. eww.
Anything making you queasy or sick: My allergies are soooooooooooooo bad I can't even describe it.
Have you started to show yet: Belly is bigger by the day.
Gender prediction: Little princess. <3
Gender prediction: Little princess. <3
Labor Signs: Nope and thanks to last week's Lamaze class I know just what I'm waiting for.
Symptoms: Besides the belly? Nothing new this week.
Belly Button in or out? In, but where my piercing was still looks totally weird and sticks out. It looks like my belly has a nose! Cracks me up. :D
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Seeing her face during the ultrasound on Wednesday!!! I'm beyond excited to see what she looks like. :) :) :)
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