Monday, July 2, 2012

35 Weeks

Baby gummy bear is now the size of a coconut. 
(18in, 5 1/4 lbs). 
Her hearing is fully developed and she responds best to high-pitched sounds.

How far along? 35 weeks (last week). 
Maternity clothes? Dresses and flippy floppies.  
Stretch marks? Negative!
Sleep: = two hour naps off and on.
Energy: Energy is up. Noticed it's taking a little while longer than usual to finish my daily walks though.
Best moment this week: The baby shower was Saturday June 23rd and Mikey flying in from Boston to celebrate was definitely the best moment I've had in a while. :)
Have you told family and friends: How could I not?!
Miss Anything? Don't think so. Too close to the end to worry about things to miss. 
Movement: All. The. Time. Counting kicks has become an actual detailed task. Like three per minute sometimes. So I think it's safe to say she is doing well in there. 
Food cravings: Cereal, fruit, yogurt, cereal and cereal.
Food aversions: No to meat. No to pasta. Anything not cold or frozen, I'll pass.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing out of the norm. Reading more about labor and delivery and pretty safe to say I will be vomiting in the delivery room. Again, I admit I'm a pansy.
Have you started to show yet: No. ;) haha actually I look as though I've dropped a little since last post.
Gender prediction: Mini me. Look out!
Labor Signs: Nope. Baby is still brewing.
Belly Button in or out? In and Out. Kinda. You'd have to see it to understand. And that will never happen. :P But now I want a burger. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Finishing the road trip we are currently on and getting (re) settled in the apartment in Boston.

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