Tuesday, July 24, 2012

39 Weeks

Baby girl now matches up to a mini watermelon.
(20in, 7lbs)
She continues to develop a layer of fat to help
control her body temp after birth.
She is flexing her limbs and her brain is rapidly developing,
getting smarter by the week. :)

How far along? 39 weeks. I think I'm dreaming. I can't still be pregnant.
Maternity clothes? Dresses, yoga pants, tanks, chucks and flip flops. My new fave? Chucks with dresses. Yep.   
Stretch marks? Nope. :) Thankful. But I'm out of Bio Oil and don't want to buy another bottle. Maybe if I do, I'll immediately go into labor and won't even need it. Usually the way it works.
Sleep: ahhhhhh Up every hour. Up early even on weekends. Nap when I can, usually early morning. Zoey is my little snooze buddy.
Energy: Depends... One day I'm scrubbing the bathroom, the next I don't even want to make my own lunch.
Best moment this week: Being told by the doc that once I go into labor, it shouldn't be long. She is thinking my labor should go pretty smoothly. Let's hope she's right!
Have you told family and friends: Of course!
Miss Anything? Running, sleeping on my stomach and back. Just around the corner!
Movement: She's constantly doing the wave like she's at a baseball game. Sometimes it's painful. Swear I can almost grab her foot when she kung fu kicks me.
Food cravings: Bagel with strawberry cream cheese. Craving satisfied this week. Mmm.
Food aversions: Want nothing to do with salt, pasta or meat.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Cigarette smoke. Barf.  
Have you started to show yet: Yes, and this would be a fine stopping point for belly growth. ;) 
Gender prediction: Little Princess.
Labor Signs: Still at 1cm dilated. Doc said cervix is paper thin so labor will be easy. Woke up today at 2AM with sharp lower back pain...
Symptoms: Lower back pain. ouch. Braxton Hicks and minor cramping over last two days. And I'm sooooo front heavy I feel like I could face plant at any moment. Hopefully someone has a camera when this happens.
Belly Button in or out? In with a nub.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: A last date night with my babe and of course meeting baby girl! Keep telling her anytime she's ready, let's do this!

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