Wednesday, July 4, 2012

36 Weeks

Baby gummy bear is now the size of a honeydew melon. 
(18 1/2 in, 5.5 lbs). 
She's getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on her own
(which I can tell by the frequency of her hiccups).
Her liver and her kidneys are in working order.

How far along? 36 weeks. 
Maternity clothes? Dresses and yoga pants. Period.  
Stretch marks? Proud to still say no. :)
Sleep: Sleeping through the night finally now that I'm back in Boston.
Energy: Energy is good! Except I tucker out around 6pm like a blue hair. ;)
Best moment this week: My first OB appointment with the new doc! I'm 1cm dilated and baby girl is expected to arrive early, within the next two weeks. Doc predicts 5-6 lbs. We are sooooooooooooo excited! I can barely sit still to type this post.
Have you told family and friends: I'm pretty sure they are as anxious as I am.
Miss Anything? Nope! Whatever I miss at this point will soon be a possibility again.
Movement: She already knows how to do the "wave" like she's at a sporting event. Feels like a tight squeeze in there and she has the hiccups 3-5 times a day.
Food cravings: Kix. Seriously going through a box every three days. Wow. Now that I type it, it is a lot huh? hehe. Least it's not the big box. :P
Food aversions: Eww to meat, pasta and peanut butter.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing that wouldn't make me sick normally. Cigarette smoke I literally choke on now though. Literally. And I might let the smoker know, too. 
Have you started to show yet: umm. I should have probably deleted this question long ago. :P
Gender prediction: Love my princess.
Labor Signs: Besides being at 1cm dilated, no other signs and I feel great!
Belly Button in or out? In with a nub.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy joy joy.

Looking forward to: Next appointment on Monday. Daddy will be there to get his first (live) peek of baby girl during the ultrasound. :) 

1 comment:

  1. You have no stretch marks because you are the size of...well of a very tiny pregnant person, and this truest upsets me. You should be a whale. (kidding on the whale part.....well sorta!!) AND ohmygoodness woman you have more ultrasounds that I did with BOTH my pregnancies!!!
