How far along? 36 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Dresses and yoga pants. Period.
Stretch marks? Proud to still say no. :)
Sleep: Sleeping through the night finally now that I'm back in Boston.
Energy: Energy is good! Except I tucker out around 6pm like a blue hair. ;)
Best moment this week: My first OB appointment with the new doc! I'm 1cm dilated and baby girl is expected to arrive early, within the next two weeks. Doc predicts 5-6 lbs. We are sooooooooooooo excited! I can barely sit still to type this post.
Maternity clothes? Dresses and yoga pants. Period.
Stretch marks? Proud to still say no. :)
Sleep: Sleeping through the night finally now that I'm back in Boston.
Energy: Energy is good! Except I tucker out around 6pm like a blue hair. ;)
Best moment this week: My first OB appointment with the new doc! I'm 1cm dilated and baby girl is expected to arrive early, within the next two weeks. Doc predicts 5-6 lbs. We are sooooooooooooo excited! I can barely sit still to type this post.
Have you told family and friends: I'm pretty sure they are as anxious as I am.
Miss Anything? Nope! Whatever I miss at this point will soon be a possibility again.
Movement: She already knows how to do the "wave" like she's at a sporting event. Feels like a tight squeeze in there and she has the hiccups 3-5 times a day.
Miss Anything? Nope! Whatever I miss at this point will soon be a possibility again.
Movement: She already knows how to do the "wave" like she's at a sporting event. Feels like a tight squeeze in there and she has the hiccups 3-5 times a day.
Food cravings: Kix. Seriously going through a box every three days. Wow. Now that I type it, it is a lot huh? hehe. Least it's not the big box. :P
Food aversions: Eww to meat, pasta and peanut butter.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing that wouldn't make me sick normally. Cigarette smoke I literally choke on now though. Literally. And I might let the smoker know, too.
Have you started to show yet: umm. I should have probably deleted this question long ago. :P
Gender prediction: Love my princess.
Gender prediction: Love my princess.
Labor Signs: Besides being at 1cm dilated, no other signs and I feel great!
Belly Button in or out? In with a nub.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy joy joy.
Belly Button in or out? In with a nub.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy joy joy.
Looking forward to: Next appointment on Monday. Daddy will be there to get his first (live) peek of baby girl during the ultrasound. :)
You have no stretch marks because you are the size of...well of a very tiny pregnant person, and this truest upsets me. You should be a whale. (kidding on the whale part.....well sorta!!) AND ohmygoodness woman you have more ultrasounds that I did with BOTH my pregnancies!!!