Tuesday, February 14, 2012

16 weeks

The baby is now the size of an avocado 
(4 1/2 in, 3 1/2 oz) 
and it can hear me when I speak!
Or sing. So I should apologize for that. ;)

Apparently I need to work on my bathroom photo taking skills. Either that or have someone else start taking the photos for me. But I had to use this photo because I didn't realize Zoey snuck in on it. I literally go nowhere without my little pup and I wouldn't have it any other way.

You may have noticed this update skipped a week. That's because the doc bumped my due date and I am actually a week ahead of what was previously scheduled. But that could always change. For now I'm going to go with the new due date and leave it at that from here on out. :)

How far along? 16 weeks. I can't believe I am FOUR MONTHS PREGNANT!!!  
Total weight gain/loss: Let's just say I'm gaining weight as I should be and staying healthy. Doesn't mean I don't feel like the pink Hungry, Hungry, Hippo though. What was her name??? 
Maternity clothes? No need yet, still haven't purchased any. Lucky to have several friends ready to pass me down their clothes, though. We'll see how quickly I need 'em! Yoga pants are getting a little tighter...
Stretch marks? So far so good. *fingers crossed* I do plan on wearing a bikini this summer! 
Sleep: Same as usual, unfortunately. Almost non existent. Naps have been going ok, when they happen. Dreams are unimaginable.
Energy: I don't really know what my true caffeine free energy level is like but my energy has definitely picked up over the past week. Dizziness has taken the place of low energy though.
Best moment this week: Getting sucked into searching for baby clothes online for what I thought was ten minutes but what was really two hours. oopsy. Window shopping is always fun, right? 
Have you told family and friends: Yes and my grandparents in Arizona couldn't be more excited!
Miss Anything? The gym and running the track. Going to look into what cardio I can do, how much and what's best to keep gummy bear safe. 
Movement: Still no movement yet and I seriously forget I am pregnant. I'm sure this will change soon! I hope. 
Food cravings: Pretty much hasn't changed over the past few weeks. Increased my cereal intake by 200% (Cheerios and Special K). But I've found I do like to have goldfish crackers with a glass of milk. My new wine and cheese. :D 
Food aversions: Had Chinese food tonight for the first time since being pregnant. I don't know if it's because it wasn't from my fave place or if the baby just doesn't like it but I won't be trying that again anytime soon. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Any air fresheners and strong perfumes. And anything vanilla but I've never been able to handle that smell. Only now it seems to be soooo much stronger! 
Have you started to show yet: As you can see, yep. But just tonight someone said, "I thought you were carrying?! Where? In your back pocket?" haha. Strangely though my arss is bigger. Belly will catch up in no time. 
Gender prediction: I just don't know. But I think I will stick to what my very first guess was. Everyone keeps flip flopping and now thinks it's a girl. I say this every week but I really hope to find out the sex this week!!!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Neutral.
Looking forward to: Finding out the sex! I don't think this answer will change until I know. I was ready to start planning this baby shower WEEKS ago! And if you didn't already know, I'm ready to shop.

One more thing before I go, I wanted to share this magnet. As time goes on, I think of this quote more and more. <3

Never underestimate the power of refrigerator literature.

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