Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Time to switch up the reading material!

This book has been SUPER helpful as I have absolutely no idea what I'm getting myself into. ;) I have found it pretty much covers every off the wall question I have had so far and it is soooo informative. Definitely a must read for any new mom.

Below are the most recent ultrasound pics of the little gummy bear, from January 10, 2012:

Great profile shot. Look at that nose! So cute!

See the teefs?!
Waving hello!
Baby dancing!
The baby was so active! This was mid-dance move.
Even kicked and crossed
it's legs a few times!

This was the office visit where the tech saw the "dot" and predicted the baby to be a boy, again, this was wayyy early. But I am extremely essited because I called my doctor's office yesterday and was able to schedule an appointment for tomorrow afternoon! I know it still might be too early to confirm the baby's sex,  but if a "dot" was seen 4 weeks ago, let's hope it confirms! Fingers crossed! :)))


  1. I liked the second "what to expect" book a lot too! I think better than the first. For me the first was helpful since I had no idea what I was doing either but the second one (The Toddler Years) was fun and informative only because the babies are older and able to much more! Have fun with the pregnancy! I miss being pregnant!

    1. Thank you , Nicole! I will definitely pick up the next book once I'm done. I don't know what I would have done without this book! :)

  2. I have a ton of books and some for after pregnancy (breastfeeding, etc) if you'd like to borrow them. My son is 13 months and I've managed to BF exclusively.
