Monday, February 20, 2012

17 weeks

The baby is now the size of an onion 
(5.1 in, 5.9 oz) 
and it's little fingers and toes are now 
topped by one-of-a-kind prints!

How far along? 17 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: 10 pounds gained.  
Maternity clothes? Still sticking with the yoga pants and what I call my "fat" jeans so I'm good for now.
Stretch marks? Thought I saw a few the other day but it was just marks from sleeping. haha. Got a little scared though!
Sleep: Naps seem to be getting a bit longer but still can't get more than 3 solid hours a night. I don't mind though because this week my dreams have dropped a couple notches on the scary scale.  I'll take what I can get!
Energy: Slowsky mode. 
Best moment this week: Scheduling the next ultrasound!  
Have you told family and friends: Yep.
Miss Anything? Running.  
Movement: Still no movement yet but I let the baby listen to a little Bing Crosby the other night when I couldn't sleep hoping to get something from it. Think I'm pushing it though. Maybe I should try some LMFAO. hehe.  
Food cravings: Sweets and fruit. Instead of chowing down on the double fudge cake that has been staring at me all week, I've been eating sugar free jello, pudding and yogurt with frozen fruit. Who knew vanilla yogurt and jello is so yummy?! Better than drowning the jello in cool whip. I'm sure it's hilarious to see my face light up when I find the last jello cup hiding in the corner at 3am. :P  Also, cinnamon goes on everything.
Food aversions: Not really feeling any kind of meat unless it's surrounded by a taco shell and covered in hot sauce.
Anything making you queasy or sick: ANY perfume gives me a headache, including my own. Boo. And on a side note, why do I feel like everyone that speaks to me is talking extremely loud? Like I could hear them across the room but they are right in front of me. Is this just a pregnancy thing or should I turn my hearing aid down? ;)  
Have you started to show yet: Yes and I've gotten a couple of weird glances but maybe that's because they're playing the chubby or pregnant game? idk.  
Gender prediction: Next week when I complete my 18 week survey, this question should be answered!!! I have an appointment tomorrow for an ultrasound and couldn't be more excited!!! Hopefully gummy bear decides to cooperate and put the dance moves on hold so we can see if it's a blue gummy bear or a pink gummy bear! :))) 
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Neutral.
Looking forward to: Tomorrow, of course! Can't wait to cut my baby name list and Pinterest board in half, and then double it accordingly. :P

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