Tuesday, February 28, 2012

18 weeks

You can find me at the fro yo shop...   ;)

The baby is now the size of a bell
pepper (5.5 in, 6.7 oz) and she's now
yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting,
kicking, punching, sucking
and swallowing!

How far along? 18 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: holding steady at 10 pounds gained but doc appoint should tell better on the 5th. Feels like 50 pounds gained over this past week.  
Maternity clothes? Yoga pants, "fat" jeans and comfy sweaters. Maternity clothes are just around the corner!
Stretch marks? Nope. *knock on wood*
Sleep: No comment!
Energy: Scale of one to energizer bunny, turtle mode. 
Best moment this week: Definitely the 3D ultrasound. Been staring at her little face in those pics every night. <3 So glad I decided to go through with that ultrasound. 
Have you told family and friends: Yep.
Miss Anything? Running. Tried a jog with Zoey the other day though. Not too bad but could definitely feel the weight!  
Movement: Still can't feel her yet! This kid is so active during the ultrasounds, I am just waiting for her to decide to kung fu kick me!  
Food cravings: Sweets and In N Out. Consistently In N Out but of course when it's closed. Oh, and Girl Scout cookies!!! And as you can see by this week's pic, I've been frequenting frozen yogurt shops. Lots of fresh fruit for me there. :D
Food aversions: Soup. Bleh! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. I can feel my uterus stretching though and that hasn't been too pleasant but it's also nothing to cry about so I feel pretty lucky. 
Have you started to show yet: Oh yea!   
Gender prediction: It's a little pink gummy bear. :) Now just working on names.  
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Neutral.
Looking forward to: Feeling her movement. I know I have said this before but half the time I forget I'm pregnant. Want to just feel her when she does her flips. Also looking forward to shopping. Trying to keep it reeled in for now but I did pick these up at Old Navy today...

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